Sunday, 26 January 2014

No accounting for millions in charity shipped to Guatemala

Reporters from CNN, the Tampa Bay Times, and the Center for Investigative Reporting set off on an investigation to discover what happened to $40 million in medical donations sent from the United States to Guatemala in 2010. Unfortunately, they could not find anyone to account for what supplies were actually sent and who in Guatemala actually benefited.
Reporters asked each of the 15 charities involved in the $40 million shipments to provide inventories of what they shipped. The charities either did not respond or insisted they had sufficient documentation to support the values reported to the IRS.
But they declined to share it.
So last month reporters went searching in Guatemala for the biggest recipient of 2010 charitable donations through Charity Services International: the Sovereign Order of Malta.
But of course no one with the Sovereign Order of Malta was readily available to answer questions about the shipments. It looks like Anderson Cooper's AC360 at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday will have more on the story.

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