Friday, 7 February 2014

Don't really care if Guatemala attorney general leaves now or later

Guatemala's Constitutional Court recently ruled that Attorney General Claudia Paz y Paz's four year term ends in May, not December as originally thought. The court in essence ruled that Paz y Paz was completing the four year term originally begun by Conrado Reyes. Once he was removed from the post, Paz y Paz was appointed to fulfill his four-year term, not to start her own four-year one. Boz has a good analysis in Time running out for Guatemala's AG, which I have been saying for the last six months or so. No need to repeat it, just go read his.

Some have obviously been gunning to remove Paz y Paz for some time so you have to suspect motives here. However, I can't say that the court's decision wasn't the legally correct one. They're not wrong all the time. And while it matter how they rule and whether Paz y Paz leave in May or December, the more important question is who is going to replace her when her term ends?

See also the Rios Montt Trial, the New York Times, and the Pan-American Post. The Pan-American Post also has some coverage of President Perez Molina's recent unhappiness with the United States. The president's colleague working for the Wall Street Journal launched a related attack last week.

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