Friday, 20 June 2014

How many unaccompanied minors from Central America?

In December I wrote that over 50,000 Guatemalans were deported from the US in 2013. That was a 25% increase over 2012. Another ~30,000 were returned to Guatemala via land presumably after having been picked up somewhere in Mexico. However, that number was approximately  10,000 less than 2012. So if the numbers are correct, the number of Guatemalans sent back from Mexico and the US combined in 2013 was the same as 2012.

I do wonder whether some of the same accounting methods are in play when counting the number of unaccompanied minors picked up across the US border. The numbers are probably up but they are also up because the Mexican authorities did a poorer job stopping migrants from getting across its northern border.

It's still a crisis that needs to be managed in the short- and long-term but what do you think? Has anyone looked at the combined number of unaccompanied minors caught in the US and Mexico?

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