More than ever, it seems clear where Central America’s people and government should direct their efforts: to controlling money laundering, stiffening the autonomy of oversight bodies, bringing development to border regions, and eliminating graft from security forces and judiciaries. But in democracies where money and fear are important sources of mobilization, achieving public backing for these policies requires making lucid, tangible connections between progress in combating civil insecurity and improvements to the integrity of the state. It is this virtuous cycle that is needed to replace the current vicious cycle of emergency, militarization and crime, and the siren song of the ice-cream bell.It is the third installment on a three part series for The Broker. Pien Metaal and Liza ten Velde produced Drugs and violence in the Northern Triangle: Two sides of the same coin? while Wim Savenije and Chris van der Borgh wrote Anti-gang policies and gang responses in the Northern Triangle: The evolution of the gang phenomenon in Central America.
You can also check out Bastiaan Engelhard's Preventing crime and violence is better than fighting it.
Happy Labor Day!
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