Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Has anybody seen the Peace Accords? We can't seem to find them.

El Salvador's government can't seem to find the official Peace Accords. They are hoping that former President Alfredo Cristiani has the accords. If he stole them, he could face one to three years in prison. Wouldn't that be a hoot.

A Spanish court recently ruled that it has jurisdiction to proceed in the case against Salvadorans responsible for the massacre of six Jesuits and their housekeeper and daughter in November 1989. Five of the Jesuits left Spain to serve in El Salvador.

El Salvador's Constitutional Chamber ruled that transfuguismo is unconstitutional. Deputies elected to Congress cannot abandon the party on which they were elected and jump ship to another party (ARENA --> GANA) nor can they form their own political grouping (ARENA --> United for El Salvador). Their only option is to remain independent. The rules apply even to those kicked out of their party. (Fox, Tim)

The US isn't just giving El Salvador money. It's giving them US policing practices - Can U.S.-style youth programs in Central America keep kids from migrating?

Disappearances in El Salvador - Salvadoran Families Struggle to Commemorate Their Disappeared and the Yellow Book.

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