Saturday, 24 January 2015

Obama to ask for $1 billion for Central America?

At the same time that Republican members of Congress are introducing legislation to punish Central American governments over their inability to stem migration to the US and to punish the Department of Homeland Security if they do not gain 100% "operational control" over our southern border, President Obama is asking Congress for $1 billion in assistance for Central America's prosperity plan. The news came during Counselor Thomas Shannon's recent visit to Guatemala. However. I can't find anything in English just yet.

It's hard to see Congress voluntarily providing $1 billion to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador at this moment in time that is unless all the money was support for the police and military. Perhaps there's some sort of bargain where for every $2 Congress provides to the border, they will provide $1 for the Northern Triangle. It should be the other way around but I'm not optimistic.

I also imagine that the US Congress will be more supportive of support for governments of the right in Guatemala and Honduras than they will be for the leftist government in El Salvador. Unfortunately, the governments in Honduras and Guatemala are believed to be more corrupt and less effective than that in El Salvador which has made it difficult to provide them with assistance in the past (Millennium Challenge Corporation Compacts anyone?) and their police and military more involved in repression and criminal activities which has also made it more difficult to provide them with what they desire. I want the US to engage with the people, governments, and security forces, not cut off all interactions, so that we may eventually have more confidence that a large sum (if that's what $1 billion is) will be effective. Let's just say that I am not entirely confident at this point in time.

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