I'm not one to pick on Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, but David Corn and Daniel Shulman just completed a Mother Jones investigation into O'Reilly's repeated claim to have been in the midst of a firefight during the war of the Falkland Islands. Given that no US reporter appears to have made it to the Islands to cover the war, it must have seemed strange that O'Reilly somehow figured out a way to cover the conflict from the Islands themselves.
It's a good, brief investigation. However, I just can't get over the fact that O'Reilly wanted one of his US viewers living or traveling in Argentina to remind the Argentine people that he had proudly covered the 1982 Falklands War.
For the British, the islands are the Falklands. However, the Argentines refer to the islands as the Malvinas. While it was not the only reason that I failed my Argentine history class while studying abroad in Buenos Aires in 1995, I sure do remember the professor wanting to strangle me when I referred to the Falkland Islands during my oral final exam.
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