Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Joint Statement regarding The Plan for the Alliance for Prosperity of the Northern Triangle

The Presidents of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, and the US Vice President States released a Joint Statement regarding The Plan for the Alliance for Prosperity of the Northern Triangle today in Guatemala City.
The Presidents of El Salvador, Salvador Sánchez Cerén; Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina; Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández; and, the Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden, met in Guatemala City on March 2-3, 2015, with the President of the Inter-American Development Bank, Luis Alberto Moreno, to discuss the important commitments which will accelerate the implementation of the Plan for the Alliance for Prosperity in the Northern Triangle of Central America.
The senior representatives also agreed to conduct joint high-level dialogues on security issues with relevant authorities, to discuss social issues with civil society, and to review trade and investment issues through meetings between the U.S. private sector and the private sectors of the Northern Triangle of Central America. All these meetings will be held in the first half of this year.
The leaders stressed that their governments agreed to continue the development of the Plan for the Alliance for Prosperity of the North Triangle in an expedited and comprehensive manner, through coordinated efforts among the three countries of the Northern Triangle and with the technical support of the Inter-American Development Bank. They will continue this work throughout 2015. The draft implementation plan and roadmap for each of the above-mentioned topics will be presented in Washington on March 16. For its part, the Government of the United States reiterated its commitment to support these efforts.
The leaders agreed that the joint regional plan and its continued implementation represent significant milestones for the collaboration among the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
The statement is too long to reproduce here so just click through to read it in its entirety. It looks like a pretty extensive list of what each country is going to do on its own and in collaboration (No mention of CICIG however). But the devil is still going to be in the details and depend upon how much, if any, additional funding the US Congress approves.

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